forgive me


Forgive me if I've ever made Christianity seem like a walk in the park. It is far from that. There are days when I want to yell at God. The same way you sometimes want to yell at your earthly parents. 

There are some days when I feel that the cross is too heavy. This is not soft life, father.

Talk about giving your toughest battles to your strongest soldier. When you recruited me into this army, you didn't say this was how it would be. 

Like every relationship, we have our days. When he says I should do something and I analyze it and tell him immediately No, then I say Yes because I trust him, and he won't give me more than I can handle.

"There's no capital for the business you said I should start o!

Everyone is busy with their life, and I don't want to ask anybody for money o!

You said I should start this project; why is it going downhill!

Nobody is even reading the blog; why are you bothering me with it!"

If the angels could stop me from speaking to God, they probably would have done that a long time ago, because my own don too much actually.

But it is those moments of despair, those moments when he is all I have, those moments that I entirely depend on him. 

Those are the moments when I know that God is, first of all, my father before the owner of the universe. 


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