My one-year journey of Celibacy.

I never fancied celebrating celibacy. I didn't see anything extraordinary about it, much less celebrating it.  That didn't seem remarkable to me. I felt as a Christian, this is one of the many things that should ooze out of you freely and if you fall short; you should quietly pick up yourself, feel guilty for as long as you can, then continue from where you stopped. Not until I fell short.

Losing my virginity was a result of how foolish I was (I would share that story someday), I felt terrible about it but after asking God for forgiveness, I moved on. Somehow I kept doing it over and over again, and I kept asking for forgiveness over and over again (reminds me of Romans 6 vs 1: So what do we do? Keep on sinning so God can keep on forgiving? I should hope not!)

I felt my conscience slowly dying. I let my body takeover, what does it care, it's not going to spend eternity with me. Sleeping around had become normal for me (before I became celibate I had slept with 5 men, NO KIDDING!).

I woke up one morning on someone's bed. We met at a house party (his house party) and "clicked" and we felt the best way to seal it was to have sex. I tried calling him the next day and he wasn't picking. I texted him and I found out he had blocked me. I was miserable. Omo, this is not a scene from a Nollywood movie o! It happened to me-live and direct. It was then I realized how foolish I had been. I went back to God and surrendered my life and body to him for real this time.

For someone that has had sex with multiple men, celibacy was a decision I had to make if I wanted to heal and I wanted my relationship with God to bloom. I had to realize that it isn't just sex, it's soul ties (you're becoming one flesh). God did not create you to be one flesh with so many people, that is why you have to wait on him to send you someone (A man of God); that won't ask you to do what is against God.

I'm Celebrating one year of celibacy today 3rd September 2021, and I'm so thankful and grateful to God because really it's his grace that has brought me this far. I don't know when this story will be published but I hope that whenever you see it, it'll inspire you to do better. Permit me to quote 1 Thessalonians 4:3-5;

God wants you to live a pure life. Keep yourselves from sexual promiscuity. Learn to appreciate and give dignity to your body, not abusing it, as is so common among those who know nothing of God.


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  1. This is so educative and inspiring at the same time. Nice one👏


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