I'm OFF the market!


Hm. Where do I begin? How long has it been, 4 weeks? This is the longest I’ve stayed from #thefathersdaughter family and I feel terrible about it. I’ve spent almost a week thinking of the perfect comeback message and I still don’t have the words to quantify how much I’ve missed sharing my truth and the good news on this page.

I had high hopes for the month of July. In all God has been so good. I was living with the guilt and consequence of the sin I had committed. I felt so distant from God. The devil really is an accuser of brethren. No matter how many times God assured me of his forgiveness, the devil doubled his efforts to make me doubt the forgiveness I had in Christ. Foolish of me to believe him.

 I felt like the prodigal son. Maybe I was, lol. When I go down memory lane, I’m just thankful God dealt with me mercifully. I had no peace of mind for about 3 weeks. Peace of mind is the most underappreciated gift we have from God. I learned that this month. It’s really a miracle that we get to sleep undisturbed. It’s not normal. It’s a blessing from God.

I however thank God for forgiving me, sanctifying me, and welcoming me back into the fold.

Asides from that, I had a major setback this month. My phone fell into water. It got bad and it will cost me about N40,000 ($) to power it. I was gloomy for days that I didn’t even see that God made a way. My cousin had an old phone and she was willing to lend it to me for a stipulated time. That should give me enough time to get back my phone back. (pleaks make this your prayer point, wink!)

It’s 3:44am as I type this. I should get back to the kitchen to continue working soon. I have an event today. I’m the head of administration at Dab Playhouse and we are staging a play today (Man Talk Woman Talk; an adaptation of Ola Rotimi’s play). I’m so grateful for how far God has brought us. I’m in awe.

I’d try my best to post as frequently as possible. Not having a phone is making it almost impossible.

Thank you for reading this far. I hope you are strengthening your relationship with God. He is always there for you. Always. Your relationship with him should be more than what happens in church. It should be late-night talks, early morning talks, PDL (public display of love), you should be proud to talk about him to anyone, post about him on your status, he should be the first person you ask about anything. He is proud of you; you should be proud of him too. Your life should be a magnet that draws people to him. Loving him will change the way you love others. Talk the talk, walk the talk. Let the devil know you are off the market (tweet this and tag us 😉)

I would love to hear from you, share your struggles, pray for you and listen to your testimony.

Write to me; thefathersdaughtertruth@gmail.com

Your Sister,



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